Oct 29, 2008

When the TV is Off

On Grade 13 Exam:

How did George Washington get from place to place?
a. a dogsled
b. raindeer
c. old fashion car
d. walking

The correct answer, according to teacher Ms. Edit, is C.

There were other questions, such as why is a paper bag in the shape of a rectangle, and what type of pets do you have. Edit used the piano bench as her desk, and from there taught three students: a webkinz chipmunk, a webkinz cat, and our dog. Edit claimed that the dog was fairly good at answering questions, but became too much of a disturbance for the chipmunk and cat and had to be demoted from student to class pet.

Edit tells me that she is voting for O'Rock Obama, no matter what anyone else does. He can't lose with a name like that, I tell her. "Are you voting for that lady?" she asks. "That lady," I tell her, "thinks Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Dinosaur." As Edit is less than fully versed in the meaning of the J-nouns in my response, I can only imaging that as she stares at me, she sees Palin on a sauropod. It's a payback. I'm stuck picturing George in a Model T.

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