Apr 13, 2009

"Cholesterol is at 172, good," the doctor says.
"And your HDL is 85, great," the doctor says.
"But your liver enzymes are ten times normal, bad," the doctor says. "What kind of medications are you on?" Apparently the anti-liver ones. This means I'm either an alcoholic or I have hepatitis, neither of which seems very likely since I don't mingle blood much and drink less now than ever. In fact, as my cholesterol count is so much better than four years ago, I think the one-a-day wine has been helpful.

"We're cutting you off of all wine and all ibuprofen until we figure this out," doc says. I'm going to get so crabby.

Oddly, all this follows on starting with a wholistic practitioner. And I know it isn't her treatment that is driving this. All the bloodwork was taken before then. I already wasn't sure I was believing in this new approach to living, but I thought I would close my eyes and trust in the East. Now the Western MD's are going to step in and get aggressive. Maybe the best rule is to simply avoid the doctors. Any kind.


Bill said...

Not only is the "w" silent, it's invisible: holistic. Like a hole in the ground to pour money into.

Knight Rider said...

doctors advice will always be good.
